A Touching Thank You
In early June, a grateful client wrote to a Center pro bono attorney C.C.* to thank her for the wonderful services she received:
“Hi C.,
I received your letter this morning ending your services. Wow, I actually sat down and sobbed. You have been such a wonderful part of my life these past several years. I could not have wished for a better attorney, woman and friend. You went over above and beyond to step into my world and assist me and for that I never forget. The title of abused/battered wife was a sentence I was faced with but you gave me the strength, courage and encouragement to take these “titles” and deal with them and move forward.
They say people come into your life for either a reason or a season. I thank God for the season he gave you to me. Although the very worst of times in my life, you were my shining star through it all. I always had that comfort in knowing that out of everyone in my life, that you had my back at all times. I thank you, I love you and I wish for you a long life, good health, and many seasons of happiness with your family.”
Thank you to all Center volunteers, staff and Board members for your continued support to persons in need. For more information on volunteering: volunteer@hbcfl.org or 213-388-7505 ext. 319
For more information on the Center’s Pro Bono Panel: probono@hbcfl.org or 213-388-7505 ext. 307
*name has been changed for privacy