Volunteer Spotlight: Erin Reisman
With over 400 volunteer hours logged at the Center in just a few years, new mom Erin Reisman reflects on her role as a Buhai Center volunteer.
In practice with her husband, the firm Reisman and Reisman specializes in civil litigation and family law. Wanting to find a way to give back to the community, Reisman found the Center to be a good fit. Her work, which she began in 2008, has been both rewarding and educational.
Reisman has been very impressed with the Center’s staff ability to make great use of her time, “I always felt very productive and accomplished.”
One client that she remembers in particular was a young unmarried father. He was doing everything he could on his own and without legal help to be a part of his child’s life, but the mother was making it very difficult for him. She moved over 50 miles away with the baby and she would only let him see the child for an hour or so every week. Often times when he arrived for an agreed upon visitation, the door would be locked and she wouldn’t answer her cell phone.
“I was impressed with the father’s level of dedication to his child” recalls Reisman. Through the Center’s and Reisman’s efforts, he was able to get court orders for visiting with his child and he was no longer at the mercy of the child’s mother’s whims.
Volunteers like Erin Reisman are at the heart of the Center’s services. For more information on volunteering contact Nicola Kennedy at volunteer@hbcfl.org