“Meet the Judges” Study Group for Pro Bono Attorneys
A unique opportunity and career benefit offered exclusively to attorneys volunteering for the Harriett Buhai Center‘s Pro Bono Panel is to learn first-hand from members of the family law bench. During 2019, invitees included Supervising Family Law Judge Lawrence Riff and Judges Alison Mackenzie, Michelle Short and Helen Zukin. Judge Ana Maria Luna recently spoke to the group in January 2020.
Organized by Carrie Holmes, Staff Attorney and Pro Bono Manager, these small group early evening events take place at the Center with a light dinner and free parking offered. The participating judicial officers select topics of their choosing and answer audience questions ranging from procedures in their courtrooms, evidentiary issues, the importance of mentorship and perspectives on family law practice. The volunteers appreciate the Center’s special “perk” proffered in return for their pro bono service and express gratitude to the cooperating judges for their willingness to share their legal acumen and courtroom management advice.
Attorneys interested in joining the Center’s Pro Bono Panel to represent clients can contact Carrie at cholmes@hbcfl.org for more information and panel requirements.
January 2020