In Memoriam: Sorrell Trope
In recognition of the esteem in which he is held, the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law and Harris Ginsberg LLP honored Sorrell Trope in the Daily Journal this week. Click here to view the tribute.
About Sorrell Trope
More than any other family law practitioner, Sorrell Trope was instrumental in raising the practice of family law to a highly respected and distinguished level. The high standards he demanded of himself impacted his associates, colleagues, adversaries and the family law bench, all of whom were influenced by his intellect, his grasp of the law, his wit and his passion. Many of the family law attorneys practicing in Los Angeles today are beneficiaries of his training, his exacting perfectionism and his demand for preparation. To watch him argue a case was to be in awe of a great legal mind and a consummate orator.
While achieving great heights in his profession, Sorrell Trope never lost sight of or his compassion for the underdog. His sustained commitment to the Harriett Buhai Center was based on his strong belief in equal justice and the importance of having effective legal counsel in family law matters.
Click here to read about the Trope Family Law Public Interest Fellowship which he supported, and click here to view the list of its graduates.
The Trope Family has asked that gifts in tribute to Sorrell Trope be directed to the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law. If you would like to make a donation click here.
June 18, 2020