Family Law New Volunteer Training
The Harriett Buhai Center relies on dedicated attorneys and law students like you to help clients who cannot afford an attorney. Our clients’ family law cases concern some of the most critical issues a person can face: personal safety, the well-being of children, and a family’s economic security after the end of a marriage.
The next New Volunteer Training is:
PartPart 1: Online self-study (2.25 hours)
to be completed by Wednesday, October 20th
Part 2: Online practicum (2.25 hours)
to be held Saturday, October 23rd from 10 am – 12:30 pm via Zoom
What You Will Learn and Do:
Join our Remote Volunteer Services Program (RSVP) to conduct substantive legal interviews by phone with prospective clients. Learn the basic concepts of family law and common problems faced by clients with the added challenges of poverty and trauma. You’ll learn to issue-spot and strengthen your client-centered interviewing skills while working under the guidance of experienced Harriett Buhai Center attorneys.
Why You Should Volunteer:
Our volunteer program is ideal for lawyers, law students, and law graduates who want to use their skills, experience, and education to help others. It is a perfect choice for individuals interested in addressing the needs of low-income families, protecting survivors of domestic violence, and shepherding children to safe and more stable lives. Retired professionals, lawyers returning to the workforce, and individuals at home caring for others are encouraged to apply.
Who You Should Contact:
To register, please complete our Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement and email together with your resume to volunteer@hbcfl.org.
A voluntary pledge of 50 hours a year is requested.
Deadline to register: Wednesday, October 13th, 2021
Attendance is limited.
4.75 MCLE credits approved by the State Bar of California*
Click here to read more about and purchase the Center’s California Family Law Basics.
Want to help in other ways? Check out our website at www.hbcfl.org.
*Upon successful completion of both the self-study program and the Practicum, participants will receive 4.75 hours of MCLE credit approved by the State Bar of California. The Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law certifies that this activity conforms to the standards for approved education activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California governing minimum continuing legal education.